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Our Referral Rewards Program 

 At Solidify Staffing, we believe that great people know other great people. That's why we've created a unique program that allows you to play an active role in shaping our community, while earning rewards for yourself, your family, friends and associates.


If you've witnessed the value that we provide and/or know someone who could benefit from taking a look at our active roles,, we would be delighted to make their acquaintance. 


We're all about fostering relationships and building a network of top-notch professionals.


When you refer a candidate to us and they are hired, it's a win-win situation. You'll be helping someone to discover new career or talent opportunities, and as a token of our gratitude, you will both receive a $500.00 reward. We're not kidding!


Start referring, start earning!


 We can't wait to see the incredible connections you'll help us create.


Receive your own personal referral link. This is how we keep track of which referrals are coming from you.


Copy and paste the link you receive, to your social networks, or send it directly to anyone through text, email, or inbox.


If they are hired, you will receive $500 as our show of gratitude. There's no catch. It's that simple.

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We've got some pretty great things to share with you. Here's three unique features that may set our program aside, and display our commitment to making our participants, and our candidates satisfaction a priority 

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Reward Increases

Our team created a tiered reward structure, that increases the reward based on the number of successful referrals.

Start at $500 per successful referral, and receive an increase of $150 more for each 5 subsequent successful hires. This feature caps at $1000 per hire.

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Reward Options

Instead of a one-size-fits-all reward, Solidify Staffing allows participants to choose from a selection of unique rewards.

These Rewards include Amazon vouchers, Digital Visa or Mastercard, Cash via Paypal, or a load your own gift card option to choose from.

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Referral Tracking

Providing a way for participants to track their referrals and rewards is a powerful feature. Gain access to a user friendly online dashboard where participants can see the status of their referrals, how many rewards they've earned, and what rewards are available. 

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